Beginners Mind ~ Owl Spirit

Been loving my body thru it, all of it. All the things it goes thru. All the things it does on my behalf to be here. Breathing Love and Gratitude into each and every single cell in my body. Breathing thru hormonal changes,aches and pains and knowing things come and they go. Yes they go. Have patience. Being a good patient means having patience. Ive seen myself thru so much. I heal. Time heals. Ive returned to my Yoga practice. Ive been a Yoga student for 35 years… and I always begin my practice with a beginners mind. I know my body is ever-changing and its needs change everyday so I must be present to it and start anew and rediscover it in the poses ( asanas ) and where Im, the body Im in, is at each time I practice. I don’t believe in levels like intermediate and advanced with Yoga or life. I approach things with a newness theres always something I can go deeper into and be even more present with and discover or add in something new Ive leaned. We begin anew everyday with the the sun rize. A new perspective a new gratitude a new awareness. On I go caring for this body keeping it fit and strong, talking to it, encouraging it, thanking it, working with the energy fields in me and what Im emitting, acknowledging all my aliveness and my cells are listening and responding and are def letting me know it. Did I write about the dream I had the other night where I saw 3 snowy owls flying overhead again!? I was in a car driving with sunroof open Marvin, my “father” was sitting next to me. I was pointing them out as they flew over us pointing up to the sky and thru the open sunroof but he couldn't see them. He was looking and straining but could not see them. This hits right on on so many levels. There are truths I could never get him to see. I could never get him to truly see me. I was right there and he missed it and all Ive had to offer all my insight as a child and even as an adult. I endured his abuse and neglect but spirit saw me - spirit has always seen me. Spirit in its many forms has come to see me. Ive tried to embrace and nurture my gifts and spirit in me - the spirit of music in me, the stories the comedy in me and the journey Ive been thru with health challenges and Ive soared. But this dream… This is exactly what happened in Usonia about 15 years ago when I was walking back alone from the community pool all those years ago and saw an owl. It flew just above my head on a branch so close to me that if I was taller I could’ve touched it. I stood there and we were just staring at each other. I was entranced. Then another one came - it flew in and landed right next to the one that was looking at me and I was shocked - and then, another one came and again landed right next to both of them. Amazing beyond. 3 owls on a branch all together all looking at me and I couldn't even believe it. Then Marvin, my “father”, comes walking up the hill and saw me standing there in the road looking up and said, “What are u looking at?” and I said “Dad there are 3 young owls here!” and as I said that they all flew away and he didn't get to see them. He said “Oh! I want to see!” I looked for them but they vanished out of sight. I felt sorry for him that he missed it and so did he. It stuck with me. That was just for me, really truly just for me. I was not well at that time. My body was suffering and that was a magical mystical experience of support and love from owl spirit. It’s a memory I treasure. There have been many visitations from spirit in my life and Ive come to understand it’s all spirit - everything is spirit - all nature - the rocks the wind the air the moon the sun the sky the plants the trees the soil the animals, the earth, all of it, seen and unseen, its all here and alive and I feel the spirit!